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Amsterdam Bon Ton Tour

Amsterdam Bordell-Tour


✦ Besuchen Sie ein Amsterdamer Bordell ohne Kunden
✦ Former Sex worker as guide ✦ Hear bizar stories
✦ Klettern Sie die Strip Pole hoch ✦ Sehen Sie sich luxuriöse Zimmer an
✦ Hinter den Kulissen ✦ Erfahren Sie mehr über Sexarbeit

amsterdam prostitute tour

✦ Gruppengröße: Max 20 persons.
✦ Dauer:
1 Stunde.
✦ Hinweis: No brothel customers, strippers and Sexarbeiterinnen present during tour.
✦ Preis: 20,-
✦ Sprache: English
Treffpunkt: Stadhouderskade 64-1
✦ Not accessible for people who have difficulties walking.

During this interesting and fun activity in Amsterdam you will learn everything about legal sex work in the Netherlands.

Discover what a real brothel looks like from the inside. Exciting stories. Facts about der Prostitution angesehen werden..

Amsterdam Bordell-Tour

Amsterdam Bordell Tour

During this super interesting tour, a sex worker guides you through a beautiful, exclusive brothel located in a discreet canal-house next to the Heineken Brewery.


Amsterdam sex worker tour

Erfahren Sie bei diesem einzigartigen Erlebnis in Amsterdam alles über legale Prostitution in den Niederlanden. Erhalten Sie einen exklusiven Blick hinter die Kulissen von Amsterdams Besten Strip- und Sexclub.

Amsterdam Bordell-Tour

What Do Visitors Have To Say About This Tour?

“really interesting to get to see and hear about this part of Amsterdam from the people who are actually living the life, instead of regular tour guides.” 

“Our prostitute tour guide was 100% open about her experiences whilst on the job. Really interesting Amsterdam brothel tour, we could ask any question to her that we had. Would recommend to anyone interested in this subject”

“The stories that we heard from our prostitute guide were quite something. We had a blast! Informative and entertaining.” 

Amsterdam Bordell-Tour

Prostitution In Amsterdam

What is it like to be sex worker in Amsterdam? Learn about the prices, prostitution laws & safety measures and how sex work in Amsterdam has changed overtime.

Listen to interesting, weird and funny stories that only real Sexarbeiterinnen can tell you about. The Amsterdam Brothel Tour is hosted by a friendly & experienced prostitute, who you can ask anything you like.

You even get the chance to climb into the strip poles yourself, where you can show your tricks.

what to do in amsterdam

Show your sexiest move and be photographed by your friends or colleagues.

Where is the meeting point for the Amsterdam Brothel Tour?
The meeting point for the Amsterdam Brothel Tour is at the entrance of Club BonTon.

BonTon is located almost right next to the Heineken Experience.

The address of Club BonTon is: Stadhouderskade 64-1 | 1072 AD | Amsterdam.

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