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De Wallen Guide

De Wallen Amsterdam

De Wallen District In Amsterdam

De Wallen – weltweit bekannt als Amsterdamer Rotlichtviertel – ist ein Wohn- und Unterhaltungsviertel im historischen Zentrum von Amsterdam, dem ältesten Teil der Stadt.

de wallen amsterdam
Amsterdam’s oldest canal.

Das Gebiet besteht fast ausschließlich aus alten historischen Gebäuden. Einige von ihnen stammen aus dem 16. oder 17. Jahrhundert. Das älteste Gebäude der Stadt – die Oude Kerk – even dates back to the year 1300.

De Wallen is located next to the Central Station and is considered to be the entrance of Amsterdam.

de wallen website
The Oudezijds Achterburgwal, also known as the famous street of the Red Light District.

In Summe 4,550 people live in De Wallen. People from all parts of society live here. All surrounded by Sexshops, red light windows, Coffeeshops (cannabis stores), Sexshows, historical and religious buildings and much more.

De Wallen repräsentiert die Weltoffenheit der Niederländer. Nur hier findet man eine aktive Kirche, umgeben von vielen Fensterbordellen.

Amsterdam Narrow Alley
Die schmalste Gasse Amsterdams.

De Wallen Translation

Eine wörtliche Übersetzung von De Wallen lautet: Damm.

De Wallen Netherlands

De Wallen Meaning

Here’s a quote of an Amsterdam archeologist and professor Jerzy Gawronski in the Rotlichtviertel Tour. app explaining what De Wallen actually means:

The word ‘Wallen’ comes from the canals that cross section the Red Light District; the Oudezijds Voorburgwal and the Oudezijds Achterburgwal.

A ‘burgwal’ means ‘defensive wall’ with a canal in front, but now the name is used for the canals itself, which were dug as a defense for Amsterdam. That’s why the whole neighborhood is now called “De Wallen” in Dutch. 

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De Wallen district
Amsterdam, De Wallen, Oudezijds Achterburgwal.

Size Of De Wallen Amsterdam

Despite what many people might think about De Wallen area – also known as Red Light District – it isn’t really that big. The total size of de Wallen is 1 km2. Der Prostitutionsbereich selbst misst sich um 250 mal 250 Meter.

Das Gebiet grenzt im Norden an die Straßen de Lange Niezel und Korte Niezel. Der Zeedijk und Nieuwmarkt in the eastern part, the Koestraat and Sint Jansstraat in the South and the Warmoesstraat in the west.

warmoesstraat 90
Die Warmoesstraat in De Wallen.

De Wallen Amsterdam Map

Rot umrandet sind die Grenzen dieses Bereichs. Wie Sie sehen können, befindet sich der Amsterdamer Hauptbahnhof darüber. Vom Flughafen Schiphol aus sind Sie mit dem Zug innerhalb von 25 Minuten in der Gegend.

De Wallen District Windows

Die Fensterbordellprostitution findet im De Wallen-Viertel in den folgenden Straßen statt:

✦ Barndesteeg
✦ Bethlehemsteeg
✦ Bloedstraat
✦ Boomsteeg
✦ Dollebegijnensteeg
✦ Enge Kerksteeg
✦ Gordijnensteeg
✦ Monnikenstraat
✦ Molensteeg
✦ Oudekerksplein
✦ Oudezijds Achterburgwal
✦ Oudezijds Voorburgwal
✦ Oudekennissteeg
✦ Sint Annendwarsstraat
✦ Sint Annenstraat
✦ Stoofsteeg
✦ Trompetterssteeg

Amsterdam Red Light District Windows Map
Eine Karte aller Fensterbordelle auf De Wallen im Jahr 2017.

Das Amsterdamer Rotlichtviertel (De Wallen) hat derzeit 201 Fensterbordelle die tagsüber und nachts vermietet werden.

More Info: Window Brothel Map

De Wallen Amsterdam Windows
Amsterdam, Oudekennissteeg.

Sex in De Wallen

The red light windows on the Red Light District are there for a reason. Sex. Legal der Prostitution angesehen werden.. Here anyone from the age of 18 can legally have sex with a prostitute. Provided that the sex worker also wants this, of course.

Do you want sex in the Red Light District with a window prostitute? Then it is best to go to the relevant window brothel and approach the sex worker in a friendly manner. If she is available, she will open the door a crack and ask about your wishes. Once she accepts this, she can let you into the small brothel. Follow the etiquette and Wallen rules and be respectful. This enhances the experience for both.

Would you like to have sex at De Wallen, but rather not with a prostitute? Then consider using the popular sex date sites & apps in Holland. Here you will find like-minded people who are looking for someone who wants sex, without a relationship. Register now, make direct contact and who knows, you might find someone near you at De Wallen.

How much does a window in De Wallen cost?

Ein Fensterbordell bei De Wallen kostet zwischen 80 und 180 Euro. Der genaue Preis hängt vom Tag, der Uhrzeit und dem genauen Ort ab. Tagsüber ist ein Prostitutionsfenster billiger als nachts. Außerdem sind die besten Fenster in den besten Lagen teurer als Außenfenster.

Why red lights in De Wallen?

What’s the deal with all the red lights in De Wallen? Many people wonder why this is such a common sight in prostitution. There are actually a few reasons for it! One reason is that it helps to hide imperfections. Red light is very forgiving, and it can help to disguise any blemishes or flaws in the skin. This is why many prostitutes choose to use red lights. Another reason is that red has represented the color of love for centuries.

Where can I find hookers in Amsterdam?

Sex workers in Amsterdam can be found in different ways, namely:

Escorts bei Begleitagenturen

✦ In Fensterbordellen in De Wallen, Ruysdaelskade & The Singel area + Spuistraat

Sexclubs & private Sexhäuser

✦ Bordelle

✦ Hausprostituierte

Entertainment In De Wallen 

The area also offers many other forms of other erotic entertainment. These include many sex shops, stripbars and erotic theatres. Moulin Rouge Amsterdam, 5D Pornokino and the Peep Show are the best Sexshows in De Wallen area. Tickets für das Moulin Rouge are exclusively available on website. De Wallen also has many bars and coffeeshops.

5D Porn Cinema Amsterdam

Für diejenigen, die nach mehr kultureller Erfahrung suchen, hat de Wallen auch etwas zu bieten Ons’ Lieve Heer Op Solder Museum. The Hash Marihuana & Hemp Museum. The Museum Of Prostitution and changing expositions in Amsterdam’s oldest building; The Old Church.



Amsterdam Red Light District Windows
What a window worker sees.

De Wallen Opening Hours

De Wallen is always open as it is a residential and public area in Amsterdam’s city centre.

De wallen hotels Amsterdam
Sint Annendwarsstraat in De Wallen.

Window Brothels

The opening hours for window brothels are between 06:00 am & 09.00 am. The windows are only closed for 3 hours a day. However depending on the time of day there might be more or less prostitutes working

red light district tour
The Molensteeg.

The windows are rented in shifts; day shifts and night shifts. Most prostitutes prefer to take the night shifts because then there are more visitors in the Red Light District.

Bars and Restaurants

amsterdam beer tour
Cafe de Prael with its own beer brewery in the Oudezijds Armsteeg.

Restaurants und Cafés open and close spread out throughout the day. You can have breakfast starting from 8:00 am. Most restaurants close around 10:00 pm. The latest closing time for cafes and bars are 3:00 am from Sunday to Thursday. On Friday’s and Saturdays it’s 4:00 am.


Regular shops tend to open around 10:00 am and close around 7:00 pm.

Entertainment and erotic related shops tend to open around 10:00 am and close around 10:00 pm.

red light district amsterdam opening hours
Amsterdam, Red Light District, Oudezijds Voorburgwal.

De Wallen Location

De Wallen is located in the heart of Amsterdam, just a short walk from the Central Station. The boundaries of De Wallen are officially between the Beursstraat, Nes, Nieuwmarkt, Zeedijk & Prins Hendrikkade. The area is bounded by canals, and its narrow streets are lined with cafes, bars, and shops.

The main streets in De Wallen are the Warmoesstraat, Oudezijds Voorburgwal, Oudezijds Achterburgwal and Zeedijk.

Navigate to the middle of De Wallen by using this address Oudezijds Achterburgwal 39-A in Google Maps.

De Wallen is best known for its window brothels, which are located on several of the area’s streets. However, there is much more to De Wallen than its red-light district. The area is also home to many museums and historical landmarks, making it a popular destination for tourists.

De Wallen Hotels

This area has a hotel for every taste. From the most luxurious 5 star hotel to the low cost bunkbed backpacker hotel.

10 hotels in amsterdam red light district

Prices are seasonably bound so expect to pay more in the summer and less in low season. Low season in Amsterdam is between October and March, excluded the holidays in December. High season is between April and September.

On the following page you can find the best hotels in Amsterdam Red Light District. The overview offers both affordable and exclusive hotels.

Hotel Map

The top 10 hotels are listed in De Wallen map:

Minimum Age At De Wallen

Wondering how old you have to be for De Wallen? That’s simple! There is no minimum age to enter De Wallen. After all, it is a residential, shopping and entertainment area.

There is, however, a minimum age to visit the prostitutes, coffee shops and smart shops. You must be at least 18 years old for this.

Can you go to the Red Light District as a woman?

Yes, women are allowed in the Amsterdam Red Light District. In fact, it is one of the most popular tourist destinations for women in the city. While there are some areas that are off-limits to women, such as the windows where the prostitutes display themselves, there is still plenty to see and do in the district. Women can visit the many Sexshops, brothels, and museums, or simply enjoy the lively atmosphere. Of course, it is important to be aware of your surroundings and not to stray into any areas that may be dangerous. But overall, the Amsterdam Red Light District is a safe and interesting place for women to visit.

De Wallen Amsterdam History

old pictures of amsterdam
Amsterdam’s Red Light District in 1983. A sex worker talks with a (potential) customer. 

De Wallen area is the oldest part of Amsterdam. Both the above mentioned Alte Kirche (Oude Kerk) and the Warmoesstraat situated next to it date back as far as the 13th century. In the 15th century or even before that prostitution was taking place in De Wallen area. Perhaps not on the exact streets that are the places for it today.

Amsterdam De Wallen 1905
Amsterdam’s Red Light District in 1905 with two prostitutes.

But ever since the 15th century prostitution hasn’t left this part of town. There’s a historical record of brothels and other prostitution establishment being located in the Oudezijds area. Also often also in other parts of the city.

prostitution history in amsterdam
The most narrow alley in Amsterdam, 1969.

Prostitution in Amsterdam has often been banned from 1578 and onwards. Those people who did it or facilitated it were sanctioned and driven away from the city. Window brothel prostitution made its first appearance in the 1930’s. Prostitutes were forbidden from soliciting men from their doorway by the police. Sitting behind a window with a tiny split in the curtains was allowed.

Amsterdam in 1969. A prostitute is waiting for customers while a couple walks by.

In the 1960’s – during the sexual revolution – the modern iteration of the Red Light District really started. In that era prostitution increased significantly in the area. More window brothels and and more Sexshops were opened.

More pictures and details: De Wallen History

Amsterdamer Rotlichtviertel
Amsterdam’s Oudekerksplein (Old Church Square) with a daycare and window brothels.

Change in De Wallen of Amsterdam

In the summer of 2007, the Coalition Project 1012 (in short Project 1012) was initiated. Together the municipality and the centre district of Amsterdam started working on creating more variety and reducing crime. And also to economically upgrade the zip code area 1012, which is also the zip code of De Wallen.

project 1012 Amsterdam Wallen
The Upcycle Store is part of gentrification-plan called Project 1012.

In 2009, the city council agreed to designate window prostitution as a criminal sector. In 2011, the city council decided to expel the window brothels from, for example, Sint Annenstraat and Oudekerksplein and the surrounding area. All located in the same area. The municipality expected to help women who were forced into prostitution.

The building above used to have several window brothels. The building was bought by the City of Amsterdam which rents it to an entrepreneur who offers recycled products in the Red Light District. This company is hardly visited, because people do not visit this neighborhood for these types of products.

De Wallen window brothels
Amsterdam, Red Light District, Sint Annenstraat.

Amsterdam Project 1012 Failed 

In 2018, the Amsterdam Court of Audit found that the government’s Red Light District project had not been successful. Despite the closure of 112 window brothels and 48 coffeeshops. And almost no crime related to this project was found 10 years in De Wallen. Some locals and experts claimed that the local government only used Project 1012 as an excuse to change this part of Amsterdam by decreasing prostitution and cannabis related businesses.


Rotlichtviertel Preise

Amsterdam Red Light District Wiki 

Prostitution in the Netherlands
