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Amsterdam Red Light District News & Tips

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20 Amazing Pics of Amsterdam Red Light District

Posted on: August 28, 2014

These 20 pictures of Amsterdam’s Red Light District will blow your mind Do you ever wonder if you should be visiting the Red Light District in Amsterdam? The 20 pictures below will help you with that decision. We’ve selected some of the best ones. Be surprised by these awesome pictures of Amsterdam’s Red Light District! 1) […]

The Old Church Tower in Amsterdam

Posted on: August 24, 2014
The view from The Old Church Tower in Amsterdam

Fun to do in Amsterdam: Go climb The Old Church Tower in the Red Light District One of the special things that Amsterdam’s Red Light District has to offer, is the beautiful Old Church. It stands in the heart of the Red Light District and is surrounded by window brothels, bars restaurants and shops. What makes […]

10 Fun Things To Do in Amsterdam Summers

Posted on: Juli 16, 2014
10 tips for hot summer days in Amsterdam

How To Spend The Summer In Amsterdam What are the best things to do during the summers in Holland’s capital? These are 10 great tips during a hot summer in Amsterdam. Why Go? Holland’s capital works its fairy-tale magic in many ways: via the gabled Golden Age buildings, the glinting boat-filled canals, friendly people, liberalism […]

10 Do's and Don'ts For The Red Light District of Amsterdam

Posted on: Januar 1, 2024
10 do's and don'ts for Amsterdam's Red Light District

Top 10 Amsterdam Red Light District Do’s & Don’ts If you’re going to visit Holland’s capital then you should not miss the Red Light District. It’s the most interesting part in town and it represents the liberal & openminded Dutch culture. Nowhere else in the world one can find window brothels in opposite of a […]

Laughing Gas in Amsterdam

Posted on: Juni 26, 2014
Laughing gas and drug use in Amsterdam

(This article was last updated on the 18th of December, 2018.) Partygoers Are Massively Using Laughing Gas in Amsterdam While only 3% used laughing gas in 2008 in Amsterdam, in 2013 that figure had risen to 33%. Across the board, clubbers and alternative party visitors use more laughing gas in Amsterdam than before. This is evident from the […]

28 Coffeeshops in Amsterdam Are Too Close To A School

Posted on: Mai 15, 2014
28 coffeeshops in Amsterdam need to close

28 Coffeeshops in Amsterdam Too Close To Schools Recently, the local government of Amsterdam decided that 28 coffeeshops in Amsterdam need to close their doors, because their business is too close to a school. The first coffeeshops that need to stop their business are The Grasshopper and coffeeshop Homegrown Fantasy. First, the government of Amsterdam […]

An Interview With A Male Sex Worker In Amsterdam

Posted on: Januar 2, 2024
male prostitute Amsterdam Red Light District

An Interesting Interview With A Male Prostitute Mark, your first job here in Amsterdam was as an erotic performer in the famous erotic theatre Casa Rosso in the Red Light District. Is that correct? Yes, it started as an adventure during my holiday here in Amsterdam. My boss was really satisfied with my performance, so […]

Amsterdam’s Female Prostitutes Are Currently Outnumbered By Male Prostitutes

Posted on: April 1, 2014
Male prostitute in Amsterdam's Red Light District

Female Window Prostitutes in Amsterdam Outnumbered By Men Shocking news today, which came from an official study done by the municipality of Amsterdam. This is the first time in the history of Amsterdam, that more male prostitutes are active in the red light district than female prostitutes. During our tours we’ve already noticed the increased number of male prostitutes, but […]

Christian Union Wants Minimum Age For Sex With Prostitute

Posted on: März 11, 2014
The Dutch Christian Union: A minimum age for visiting a prostitute

Christian Union Wants Minimum Age For Sex Worker Clients The Dutch Christian Union (CU) would like to have a minimum age for having sex with prostitutes, just as the sale of liquor and cigarettes. If young people have sex with prostitutes they are getting the wrong image of women and their future sex life, therefore the minimum […]

Coffeeshops In Amsterdam For Tourists

Posted on: Februar 9, 2014
Coffeeshops in the Netherlands

1.5 million tourists visit coffeeshops in Amsterdam Every year 6 million tourists come to Holland’s capital, they come for the canals, the red light district, the master pieces of art, etc. But a quarter of those visitors also come for the coffeeshops in Amsterdam. Where coffee is served and marijuana is on the menu. Cannabis […]
