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Amsterdam Red Light District News & Tips

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One-Year Prison Sentence For Amsterdam Coke-Killer Dealer

Posted on: februari 25, 2016
Amsterdam white heroin Dealer Sentenced To One-Year In Prison

White Heroin Dealer Behind Bars For One Year The court of Amsterdam has ruled that the 43-year old man, who last year sold life threatening white heroin as cocaine in Amsterdam, is not guilty on most charges. The suspect, Flip S., reported himself to the authorities back in April 2014. According to the prosecution S. arrived […]

Brad Pitt Misses Out On Biggest Penthouse In Amsterdam

Posted on: februari 21, 2016
Biggest Penthouse In Amsterdam Exterior

Big movie star Brad Pitt was keen on buying the biggest penthouse in Amsterdam but lost out in a bidding war against an Amsterdam hospitality tycoon. A Dutch entrepreneur outsmarted Pitt by making the bid and finishing the deal around the 2015 Christmas Holidays. All the other interested parties weren’t paying attention at that time. […]

Missing Former Prostitute Found After 55 years!

Posted on: februari 19, 2016
Missing window prostitute found after 55 years!

Dutch Window Prostitute From Amsterdam Found in Canada The Dutch police missing persons taskforce has found a missing dutch window prostitute who had been missing for over 55 years. Johanna, referred to as Jopie, de Haas went missing from Amsterdam back in 1960, leaving behind her then three-year-old daughter. It turns out that the woman was already […]

This is what Amsterdam looked like 100 years ago

Posted on: februari 14, 2016
Amsterdam in 1916. Sinterklaas ( Saint Nicholas) jumps over houses

Amsterdam in 1916 – Hundred years ago With his horse, Sinterklaas (Saint Nicholas) jumps over the rooftops of Amsterdam. His boat was captured by the British – including his bag with sweets and cookies. The British also arrested Zwarte Piet – his helper, so Saint Nicholas had to do all the gift deliveries on his […]

An Interview with Roeland Kerbosch who filmed Amsterdam's Red Light District in the 60's

Posted on: januari 7, 2024
Exclusive Interview with Roeland Kerbosch - film maker - Around the Old Church - Rondom het Oudekerksplein

Amsterdam Red Light District in the 1960’s Roeland Kerbosch was the very first to film the Amsterdam Red Light District in the rough 60s. During his film he was accompanied by Haring Arie – a local pimp – who showed him De Wallen with prostitutes in front of the camera. (Last updated: 1 May 2022) […]

An Interview with Amsterdam's Drug Consultancy

Posted on: januari 1, 2024
Drugs Information Amsterdam: An interview with August de Loor - owner of the Foundation Drugs Consultancy Amsterdam

Drugs Information Amsterdam Amsterdam has a few places where people – locals & tourists – can get information about every kind of drugs. Including testing legal and illegal drugs. Professionals share their knowledge about alcohol and drugs, its effects and risks. Relatively speaking the Dutch are quite good informed when it comes down to alcohol and drugs. More […]

Red Light District Now and Then: 10 Awesome Past and Present Pics

Posted on: december 21, 2015
Amsterdam Red Light District Now and Then: 10 Awesome Past and Present Pics

Amsterdam’s Red Light District Now and Then It’s amazing how things and people change through time. We explored how locations across Amsterdam looked in times gone by. Click on the pictures below to enlarge them. Let’s start off at Dam Square… Amsterdam’s Dam Square & Damrak street. (click on the pic to enlarge it) The picture […]

10 Safety Measures for Prostitutes in Amsterdam

Posted on: januari 1, 2024
safety measures for prostitutes Amsterdam Red Light District window brothels

Safety Measures For Prostitutes In Amsterdam In order to ensure the safety of prostitutes in Amsterdam, the Dutch government has implemented several standardised laws throughout the years. With these prostitution rules the government believes that they make prostitution safer. For the prostitutes in Amsterdam Red Light District it comes down to the following 10 safety measures. […]

3D Printed Bridge In Amsterdam Red Light District

Posted on: juni 21, 2021
3d printed bridge Amsterdam Red Light District Location

3D Printed Bridge In Amsterdam Red Light District The 3D printed bridge at the Stoofsteeg in Amsterdam Red Light District, which was actually expected at the beginning of 2019, will be installed in about a month. Local residents and entrepreneurs are happy with it, because the emergency bridge that was previously on that spot was […]

Interview with a Male Sex Worker in Amsterdam

Posted on: januari 1, 2024
Male sex workers in Amsterdam interview

The Things You Always Wanted to Know From A Male Sex Worker in Amsterdam In September 2015, we met with Lyle Muns, who is a male sex worker in Holland’s capital. We met each other at De Koffieschenkerij in Amsterdam Red Light District. Lyle is 21 years old and does sex work part-time. The rest of the […]
