Posted on: januari 26, 2018
Picture by Kippa Evert Elzinga, ANP.
Dutch television program Spuiten en Slikken (Injecting and Swallowing) opened a “Pop Up Brothel’ in the Red Light District on the 24th of January 2018. There you could have sex with a real doll. The Amsterdam Sex Doll Brothel was an experiment done by Dutch public broadcaster BNNVARA who also did a great documentary about the Red Light District in which our tour company was featured. The sex dolls could be found sitting behind the red lit windows at the Oudezijds Achterburgwal 46. The Amsterdam Sex Doll brothel was only open on the 24th of January.
Spokesman Thijs Verheij told local news AT5 that the television program wants to find out if the world is ready for sex with dolls. In addition, the program makers wanted to investigate to what extent sex with a doll is similar to human sex. They also look at what this new development means for STDs, illegal prostitution, the exploitation of sex workers and human trafficking. ‘Science states that in thirty years it could be quite normal to have sex with a robot. With this experiment we want to anticipate that change and investigate what the current societal view is.’
Presenter Gwen in the sex doll brothel. Picture source Instagram.
Presenter Gwen van Poorten investigated if the Netherlands is ready for sex with dolls. The proceeds from the Amsterdam sex doll brothel will go to Free a Girl. This foundation is committed to freeing young girls from forced prostitution around the world.
The Amsterdam sex doll brothel was open on the 24th of January 2018 from 3.30 pm to 7 pm and there were four dolls ready and waiting for customers. They were in different shapes and sizes. “So something for everyone” stated Verheij. The Tuesday after the so called “pop up brothel” closed its doors the results of the experiment were discussed on live television in the Netherlands. Injecting and Swallowing is broadcast on NPO 3 on Tuesdays from 10 pm.
Interesting news!! I’m definitely gonna check that BNN documentary in which your tour company was featured too.
where is the adress of this brothel